Translation: Keinohrhasen. The Killers - Mr. Brightside.
Translation: Keinohrhasen. Deepest Blue - Deepest Blue.
Translation: Keinohrhasen. Anna \u0026 Ludo - Hold Me Now.
Translation: Keinohrhasen. Angels \u0026 Airwaves - Lifeline.
Translation: Keinohrhasen. Kashmir - Rocket Brothers.
Translation: Keinohrhasen. One Republic - Apologize.
Translation: Keinohrhasen. Au Revoir Simone - Sad Song.
Translation: Keinohrhasen. Angels \u0026 Airwaves - Everything's Magic.
Translation: Keinohrhasen. Bloc Party - I Still Remember.
Translation: Keinohrhasen. Prefab Sprout - Looking For Atlantis.
Translation: Keinohrhasen. Keane - Everybody's Changing.
Translation: Keinohrhasen. Young poets and thinkers - Sorcerer.