Translation: John Dowland. Who Ever Thinks Or Hopes Of Love.
Translation: John Dowland. Burst Forth My Teares.
Translation: John Dowland. Can She Excuse My Wrongs.
Translation: John Dowland. Come Again, Sweet Love Doth Now Invite.
Translation: John Dowland. Come Away , Come Sweet Love.
Translation: John Dowland. Dear, If You Change.
Translation: John Dowland. Go Crystal Looms.
Translation: John Dowland. If My Complaints Could Passion Move.
Translation: John Dowland. My Thoughts Are Wing D With Hopes.
Translation: John Dowland. Now, O Now, I Needs Must Part.
Translation: John Dowland. Rest Awhile, You Cruel Cares.
Translation: John Dowland. Sleep, Wayward Thoughts.
Translation: John Dowland. Unquiet Thoughts.
Translation: John Dowland. Think St Thou Then By Thy Feigning.
Translation: John Dowland. All Ye, Whom Love Of Fortune.
Translation: John Dowland. My Thoughts Of Songs Or Ayres.