martyr's blood, the same sky under which. The victors marching in again, bringing back the slavery, the oldest order, under rule again - it's been too
Translation: Heaven Shall Burn. The Martyr's Blood.
sing - they died with the gun in their hands. Time will avenge one day. The sky is colored red by the martyr's blood, the same sky under which. The
sorely, and sailed them bristly in the same shady sky. In take-ground, branded the mark of hall and heave; their martyrs never left 2000 years, 2000 urn
's wool, and feet of burned brass That I can put up in your platinum ass son Instead I arrive the Golden Child, every knee shall bow when the divine styler
when one Seraphim flew to me with coal in his hands He touch me on my lips, said I was a brand new man As the foundation shook He's asking, who shall