Guttermouth is a really good band, but they like do hand jobs everyday. Yeah, Guttermouth are a real good band, but they like to give those hand jobs
Translation: Gera Group § Ã £ o. Rap From Surfer.
Translation: Gera Group § Ã £ o. Kissing.
Translation: NOFX. Guttermouth Is A Really Good Band.
Translation: The Peter Mallick Group. Things You Don't Have To Do.
: Guttermouth is a really good band, but they like do hand jobs everyday. Yeah, Guttermouth are a real good band, but they like to give those hand jobs
Il est midi et je voudrais te dire, je t'aime Et je me dis que l'on ferait bien cet aprem Aller marcher mains dans la mains s'inventer des detours Ca
Ich habe gut und gerne 5 Kilo Ubergewicht, ein krummes Ding namens Nase ziert mein Gesicht, und wie ich an 'ne Frau wie Dich komm', weiss ich nicht,
fragile rare occasion out of chaos a creation binding into one form lucid drunkeness aiming truth and openess baby you are a joy I want you free when