heading for the mainland! CHORUS: And what do you do? Can't make nothing out of nothing Everybody needs a start And what do you do? Can't make nothing out of nothing
for the mainland! [Chorus:] And what do you do? Can't make nothing out of nothing Everybody needs a start And what do you do? Can't make nothing out of nothing
Translation: Great Big Sea. Nothing Out Of Nothing.
heading for the mainland! [Chorus:] And what do you do? Can't make nothing out of nothing Everybody needs a start And what do you do? Can't make nothing out of nothing
old sea Ninety-nine years nothing but an empty cell for company Yet there's not very much that stands between me and the freedom I hold dear Just a thousand bars a big
talkin' loud, sayin' nothin' Get you dad, get your cousin Go and get your boy 'cause he's as big as a house Now take your pussy ass click and get the fuck out
fingers And his great iron head, shaped like a dustbin But as big as a bedroom Slowly turned to the right, slowly turned to the left He was hearing the sea
s been right there inside you since the day you were born, all you gotta do is take everything else and let it wash out right into the sea, well snowflakes
core) And then the duchess passed out at a quarter to three And suddenly Cyril cried "Fiddle-de-dee!", Then he ripped off his trousers And jumped in the sea
great grandfather, whom I never knew. And so on this line unto the alpha and omega point at infinity. With my eye - this fire, this fly, that sees everything and smiles, and comprehends nothing
in the fucklands Fucking sheep in the homelands, her majesty's forces are coming Fuck off to the Falklands for your sea-faring fun Big man's jerk off
with great expectations To the perfumed halls of Allah, for their time in the sun" "And we were stokin' the fires and oilin' up the machinery Until the Gods found out
peace of mind, And I'd like to spend some time with you! Ooh ooh ooh. A man ain't nothing if he ain't got a friend, Down and out without a penny to
So why can't you see that I'm the one Wish I could buy a limosine I'd fill it up and pick you up and Drive you to your dreams But when you get out on
, they don't understand Her mother wrote "be strong" She made some decent money But nothing comes for free The windy street, just can't compete With the sky, the rocks and sea
From the first hello you gave to me I've done nothing else but smile And I know you're in a hurry but its gonna take a while. So forgive me if we go slow