wohl im Dunkeln kriegt er mich. Und als ihm die letzte Hoffnung raubte da drehte ich mich um und sagte ihm: Man muß das Leben eben nehmen wie das Leben eben
Ich will Dir eben mal was sagen,ich habe nachgedacht in den letzten Tagen,über Dich, über mich, über die Kinder,über Sachen die mich
Translation: Werding, Juliane. You Must Take Life Eben.
Translation: One Ton. Just as S'is.
I feel worried that my brain is just a fool in your sick game So I will never open my heart I try to express how I feel But it changes every day and so
Once again my friend I try To help improve another brother's life By coming through with the righteous groove Tells right from wrong, makes people move
Dear one I hope you are somewhere, where you are save Where you feel protected, where you can find peace I want to let you know that I miss you Because
One by one it stings my eyes Each is gone each in disguise Smiling so aware Precious moments oh so rare Boiled thoughts evaporated, gone Can't bear the
The sinners masquerade An asylum for the weak A feast for the wolf Our faces lost in the deep Empty space our souls to keep The hour of twilight As silent
You, with your words like knives And swords and weapons that you use against me You, have knocked me off my feet again Got me feeling like a nothing
The powers of destruction fill my thoughts Pure rage as yet unforeseen Once my mind is at its death My reign shall forever be Victory - my soul has been
Where's the muses cave the isle of the dead The sign of Eph is gone so is the sun Tired and confused I sail into the night With the devil at my shoulder
Seasons will rain proportional matter As singularity lacks space until it's forgotten Violet light manifests in itself in patterns All can be everything
On another plane- I'm out of here babe I'm sick and tired of making the grade If I threw you a lie could we still be that close? Another bridge to cross
[bushwick bill] And fuckin two of the finest bitches around g; It used to be fun, but now it's gettin borin to me Constantly fuckin, fuckin, fuckin, fuckin
Skeptical research of mind control Fear of philosophical consequences Theories given to master and use The hidden abilities of your senses [Incomprehensible
Me 'n' Oliver 'n' Virgil was in the drugstore killing time When my eyes fell upon this magazine And I got to reading this article on sky-diving and parachuting
Beer makes you weary But you need something to get along You stare at the flatness Beside the dark home They'll not hear you whisper This isn't where