bem ja esta dormindo Zombando do meu amor Na barranceira do rio O inga se debrucou E a fruta que era madura A correnteza levou A correnteza levou A correnteza
Translation: Djavan. Flow.
Jacaranda Help me out tomorrow Jacaranda Don't wanna be alone Keep falling over A spell that brings this sorrow Give and take I shouldn't be afraid
Yaaa! Its a yucky ya! Undress the clown! Dont listen, on your way No way, you got away A lion fucking pulling chains In a cloud, angels show Make way,
No hay dia que pase Que yo no me acuerde de ti No hay labios que bese Que no, no me sepan a ti Tu te quedaste para siempre aqui En mi pensamiento Tu
(Dolly Parton) I cry awake at night and hug my pillow And pray that I will die before I wake No such luck Another day of cryin' Don't know how much
You're just a no account You never will amount to nothin' at all When there is work to do and someone yells for you You don't hear them call The good
Break the chain Tracy is a good girl, sweet sixteen Her daddy's in her bedroom Makes her feel unclean She's slave to a secret That her dad and she keep
She's out of her mind Like the wind in a storm Oh, like the ocean at dawn As it disappears, with the riptide She's out of her mind She's pulled away
The loser, microphone abuser Feet hurtin', I just walked from Jerusalem So you should get on the side with the movement I'm the proof and I'll die just
Living this close to the road You'll question your vulnerability Got the curtains closed and there's nothing For those bold coyotes to see Just an airplane
Mirandonos tu y yo Deseandonos La luna sobre nuestro amor Cada segundo se hacia eterno Mis manos atrevidas En tu cuerpo navegaban Tu estabas confundida
Diciembre me parece hermoso Me parece bello Para olvidarlo todo Y comenzar de nuevo Porque pensandolo bien No tengo porque seguir Dandole largas a esta
Si es verdad que quieres Tu dejarme ya, pues vete Yo conozco ya de sobra tu razon No expliques Con el tiempo veras Que este amor que te daba Es mas puro
Que me esta pasando que me pesa el aire que estoy respirando Y se me acaba el dia sin yo comenzarlo y me sobran horas Y me falta tanto para irme llenando
Suceden, cosas muy extranas Cada vez que te miro Un fuerte temblor me estremece Me rebosa de frio Una carcajada se escapa Contemplando tu pelo Y me nace
I know it's over You know it's over We're just going through the motions But we're sailing separate oceans world's apart And you know it's breaking my
Every living thing on this earth has a heart Every little thing that I am, so you are And if you look in my eyes You will see we are souls alike We are