CAPTAIN BEEFHEART Mirror Man ------------------- Tarotplane (19 minutes) Kandy Korn (8 minutes
Mirror man mirror me Mirror than mirror me Mirror man mirror than Mirror land farther than Mirror day mirror way Mirror man mirror way Mirror man mirror
than you oh farther than me mirror mirror day mirror way mirror man mirror me mirror man farther than mirror man mirror me mirror man farther than
Translation: Captain Beefheart. Mirror Man.
Translation: Captain Beefheart. Son Of Mirror Man - Mere Man.
Mayflower child met uh 25th Century Quaker She's uh pickin' poppies 'n' bringin' them into her hue Sun sifting thru and thru and thru Letting them all
Yellow and orange and Well they taste so good I want to eat 'em And they taste so good I get to need 'em Can-can-can-candy candy Candy corn yellow
farther than you oh farther than me mirror mirror day mirror way mirror man mirror me mirror man farther than mirror man mirror me mirror man farther
Baby person told Elixir Sue Listen to me baby I'm gonna tell it to you Gonna need somebody on your bond You gonna need some bodies on your bond Just