Her heart lies on a tray Eyes are incised with a fork Carnivoracity, cannibal ferocity Carnivoracity, butchering atrocity Carnivoracity, deranged for meat Carnivoracity
Her Heart Lies On A Tray Eyes Are Incised With A Fork [Chorus:] Carnivoracity - Cannibal Ferocity Carnivoracity - Butchering Atrocity Carnivoracity - Deranged For Meat Carnivoracity
Translation: Avulsed. Carnivoracity.
A Buried Crime Forgotten Adultery A Bastard Son Breeding Into The Corpse Under Grave Clothes Foetus Incubated Placenta Reeks Post-Mortem Pregnancy [
[Pentagram - 1986] Exorcised By A High Priest Your Body Writhes In Pain Possessed By The Seven Demons Which Are Conjured Away As He Speaks The Holy
[Brujeria cover]
[Demigod cover]