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Brennt der Horizont Und das Lied erklingt laut [English translation:] Ten heavy feet Walks the bloodsoiled ground With rhythm these Five warriors march
Translation: Amon Amarth. Siegreicher Marsch (Victorious March).
der Horizont Und das Lied erklingt laut [English translation:] Ten heavy feet Walks the bloodsoiled ground With rhythm these Five warriors march No
Ten heavy feet walks the bloodsoiled ground With rhythm these five warriors march No matter how much the bleeding wounds From enemy sword cuts, hurts
Ten heavy feet Walks the bloodsoiled ground With rhythm these Five warriors march No matter how much The bleeding wounds From enemy swordcuts Hurts to
Translation: Amon Amarth. Victorious March.
: Ten heavy feet Walks the bloodsoiled ground With rhythm these Five warriors march No matter how much The bleeding wounds From enemy swordcuts Hurts
Ten heavy feet Walks the bloodsoiled ground With rhythm these Five warriors march No matter how much The bleeding wounds From enemy swordcuts Hurts