, time and place to invade the empty space I'm a profectionist, I never pressure the pen space But I wouldn't be amazing without God's Amazing Grace I
smile, the priest chokes up Organ plays Amazing Grace And underneath the thin white veil You can hear them say Last call for the matching hearts Last call for
leave it and join him and their ducklings for a swim, Ida insists on staying with her unusual, unhatched egg. Drake joyously races the children down to the lake for
chokin' me Cuttin' off my air supply When I hang my head to cry When I hang my head to cry I see tears on daddy's face Someone's hummin', "Amazing Grace
place to in-vade the empty space I'm a perfectionist, I never pressure the pen space But I wouldn't be amazing without God's Amazing Grace I can travel
Organ plays Amazing Grace And underneath the thin white veil You can hear them say Last call for the matching hearts Last call for the yellow birds Last call for