я хотел счастья, но его потерял, Оно было рядом, а я даже не знал, Я не замечал, не обращал внимания, Теперь не знаю, как вернуть тебя, не понимаю Я,
Driving home in my car, nearly midnight Rain on the road in my view Holding my heart, it?s the first night without you On my clothes I still smell your
You left this mornin' on an early plane You left your picture behind to haunt me You left in a steady rain You say, you'll miss me, you say, you want
I don't wanna lose you I love you as you are I don't wanna lose you I couldn't love you more Tell me love will remain Though we may change Who do you
I don't want to lose you, I love you as you are I don't want to lose you, I couldn't love you more So please tell me that love will remain Though we may
The sun is shining, there's plenty of light (Oh, yeah) A new day is dawning, sunny and bright (Oh, yeah) But after I've been crying all night The sun
I lost the sunshine and roses I lost the heavens of blue I lost the beautiful rainbow I lost the morning dew I lost the angel who gave me Summer the
Yeah, you're the greatest thing in my life, baby Whoa, without your love baby, I don't know just what I would do Ohh, years of lovin' you, you've been
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ba ba ba ba ba ba Der Regen fällt auf dein Gesicht du denkst ich seh' die Tränen nicht die du weinst. So stehst du in meiner
(Denis LePage, Denyse LePage) (Chorus 1) Baby, baby I don't wanna lose you, oh no Baby, baby I don't wanna lose you (Chorus 2) Even when you say you
Women of a certain age They learn to rely and judge all his responses Having played the mating game She doesn't waste time cause all that she wants is
Life ain't the same So much pain inside Knowing you are out of my life Out of my life Life ain't just the same living without you No one else to blame
I love you so much, it hurts me Darling, that's why I'm so blue I'm so afraid to go to bed at night Afraid of losing you I love you so much, it hurts
Who do you think you are Who do you wanna be You're the only one that really knows Maybe you'll be surprised After your search is through When you find
To my darlin' one in a far off land I hope and pray this letter finds its way into your hands We've had no word, we've had no news Hope this finds you
I lost the sunshine and roses I lost the heavens of blue I lost the beautiful rainbow I lost the morning dew I lost the angel who gave me summer the whole
I really wanna lose you Never wanted you right from the start But you kept hangin' on my legs and hips and heart So inconsiderate the way You suddenly
I called on you today I know it's late to say I'm sorry There's so much on my mind I feel as though the time is upon me Do you know, you take my heart