Перевал судьбы качает Колыбель прошедшей жизни. Оставляю все, что было – Сожалений нет. Равнодушно отмечает Путь закат, что в небе киснет. Усмехается
В суету городов и в потоки машин Возвращаемся мы - просто некуда деться. И спускаемся вниз с покоренных вершин, Оставляя в горах, оставляя в горах свое
В суету городов и в потоки машин Возвращаемся мы - просто некуда деться! И спускаемся вниз с покоренных вершин, Оставляя в горах, оставляя в горах
Ты не жди меня, мой конь Видишь, мне уже не встать Посмотри, в моих глазах F Отражается закат Что стоишь ты надо мной Отчего не скачешь
Белый парусник качается у берега Dm Плачут чайки над лазурною волной C Он похож на улетающего лебедя B Скоро берег он оставит за кормой
La Despedida Songtext : Antes Que Me Vaya Dame Un Beso Se Que Soñare Con Tu Regreso Mi Vida No Es Igual Ahora Que Te Perdi Como Te Voy A Olvidar
I say I love you, you say that's kind You don't wanna get too close You loved me crazy, I lost my mind Listen You're everything I've never wanted And
Two white horses in a line Two white horses in a line Two white horses in a line Carrying me to my burying ground Some need diamonds, some need love
I know they say if you love somebody You should set them free (so they say) But it sure is hard to do Yeah, it sure is hard to do And I know they say
[Incomprehensible] All, you old time Queens, from New Orleans, who lived in Storyville You sang the blues, try to amuse, here's how they pay the bill
The light's still in our eyes We're leaving this whole fairground behind It's a dream that's going cold The circus never dies The act forever haunts
It's been a hard time And when it rains it rains on me The sky just opens And when it rains it pours I walk alone assaulted it seems By tears from heaven
In these days of mine for keeps I'm trying to hold on Suddenly you're all out of reach And everything goes wrong What we say and what we do Are entirely
My soul went walkin' but I stayed here Feel like I been workin' for a thousand years Chippin' away at this chain of my own lies Climbin' a wall a hundred
Yeah, farewell Hey, farewell Alllmy niggas farewell Fayettenam Look, some niggas let there dirt out, Some niggas keep it all in 'em So when a man dies
Looking at the world around For the very first time Never seen it all before Hope it's not all mine On Monday morning all alone I woke within my house
The silent fall of evening snow Another thing you can't control Does it chill or warm you soul tonight You've become a mystery Will I earn your honesty
I close my eyes to yesterday All the memories start to play And oh, the skies were so blue And it?s me and it?s you Growing older and older But now you