принимай или умирай, Обьединение уличных бойцов играет жёстко, Удары в бок, словно ток, как шок атака хлёсткой, Чётко, лучше запомните эти имена Люди
или умирай, Объединение уличных бойцов играет жёстко, Удары в бок, словно ток, как шок атака хлёсткой, Чётко, лучше запомните эти имена Люди Восточного
б-люди и люди на б-люди, Мозг и душа. Да, я выбился в люди. Это люди на б-люди Это люди на б-люди Это люди на б-люди Здравствуйте люди!!! На б-люди Эй
Stop making the eyes at me And I'll stop making the eyes at you And what it is that surprises me Is that I don't really want you to And your shoulders
Well now then Mardy Bum I've see your frown And it's like looking down the barrel of a gun And it goes off And out come all these words Oh there's a
Ask if we can have six in, if not we'll have to have 2 You're coming up our end aren't you? So I'll get one with you Oh won't he let us have six in? especially
Well oh they might wear classic Reeboks Or knackered Converse or tracky bottoms tucked in socks But all of that's what the point is not The point's that
Up rolled the riot van And sparked excitement in the boys But the policemen look annoyed Perhaps these are ones they should avoid They got a chase last
Anticipation has the habit to set you up For disappointment in evening entertainment but Tonight there?ll be some love Tonight there?ll be a ruckus, yeah
I?ve seen your eyes as they fix on me, what is he doing? What on earth?s the plan? Has he got one? You better give me some pointers Since you are the
One look sends it coursing through the veins oh how the feeling races Back up to their brains to form expressions on there stupid faces They don't want
Oh it's ever so funny ?Cause I don?t think you?re special I don?t think you?re cool You?re just probably alright But under these lights you look beautiful
Get on your dancin' shoes There's one thing on your mind Hopin' they?re lookin' for you Sure you'll be rummagin' through Oh and the shit, shock, horror
So who's that girl there? I wonder what went wrong So that she had to roam the streets She don't do major credit cards I doubt she does receipts It's
Fake tales of San Francisco Echo through the room More point to a wedding disco Without a bride or groom There's a super cool band yeah With their trilbys
Last night these two bouncers And one of em's alright, the other one's the scary one And his way or no way, totalitarian He's got no time for you, looking
Now I understand upon myself Never want again in the way I said it I don't know what the plan is but you can share With me Cause I'll be listening ear
So if you were in my shoes you're saying that you would basically have it made Well if I was in your boots I'm telling you I would be making things my