нам делать без вина, Без браги самогона или водки, Не будешь радостным не ты, не он и не она, А все мы будем очень очень кротки, без вина. - Как
All the things I can say when I'm half asleep They always seem so real Up until morning With my defenses down it's hard to run Familiar streets are closed
(myles goodwyn) Published by northern goody two tunes, ltd./capac - ascap Seemingly related, it's complicated It's understood now, it's up to me now
Verse 1 I find no fault in him, No fault in him If you ask me, I'll tell you again and again I find no fault in him , No fault in him Jesus, My Savior
(Chorus) I know that I'm crazy It's nobody's fault but mine I know that I'm lazy It's nobody's fault but mine I know you don't love me It's nobody
Translation: First, Ali. Land Without Guilt.
Translation: April Wine. Without Your Love.
Translation: Esham. No Fault Insurance (Featuring Natas).
: Poltrone di vimini e nobili col papillon. La serva si snerva eccitata dal dio Rock and Roll. Col smalto sul'unghia la troia si avvinghia, la nonna
and I lay numb, waiting for something worst to happen. sweet innocence, it happened so suddenly. she crossed my path on the way to nothingness, I knew
Poltrone di vimini e nobili col papillon. La serva si snerva eccitata dal dio Rock and Roll. Col smalto sul'unghia la troia si avvinghia, la nonna