Translation: U2. All Because Of You.
Translation: U2. Even Better Than The Real Thing.
Translation: Alla Pugacheva. God be with you.
Translation: Michael Sheleg. White crow.
Translation: Philip Kirkorov. You take care of it man.
Translation: Кабриолет. My horse crow. бэк .
Translation: Шуфутинский Михаил. You Take care of yourself.
Translation: Шуфутинский Михаил. You Take care of yourself 2.
Translation: Verbohlest. Take care of Russia!. ориг .
Translation: Линда. Crow. не ориг .
Translation: Гранкина Виктория. Take care of you our Lord. ориг .
Translation: DJ Cherokee. Take care of them.
Translation: Smash. The real thing.
Translation: U2. Even better than the real thing.
Translation: U2. Even better then the real thing.