Translation: Artillery. The Breaking Wheel.
Translation: Judas Priest. Freewheel Burning.
Translation: Anatoly Dneprov. Keep on Wheels.
Translation: Vasiliev. The Wheel of Life.
Translation: Igor Saruhanov. The creaking of wheels.
Translation: Koretsky. Casters.
Translation: Love Assumption. Wheel of Fortune.
Translation: Lyme Vajkule. Under the rumble of wheels.
Translation: Muslim Magomayev. Ferris wheel.
Translation: Stas Namin. Keep on Wheels.
Translation: Glory Medianik. The rattle of wheels.
Translation: Flowers. Keep on Wheels.
Translation: Dneprov Anatoly. Keep on wheels. ориг бэк .
Translation: Medianik Vyacheslav. Noise of the wheels. ориг .
Translation: Stas Namin. Keep on wheels. бэк .
Translation: Saruhanov Igor. The creaking of wheels. ориг .