Translation: Anatoly Dneprov. Oh what a pity.
Translation: Andrei Nikolsky. Oh what a pity.
Translation: Браво. What a pity But Not With You Today, M.
Translation: Vyacheslav Hursenko. And do not pity me.
Translation: Кристина Орбакайте. What a pity.
Translation: Sergei Penquin. How is a pity that no you with me.
Translation: Браво. What a pity. бэк .
Translation: Браво. What a pity 2.
Translation: Браво. What a pity 3.
Translation: Браво. What a pity 4.
Translation: Dneprov Anatoly. Oh, what a pity. ориг .
Translation: Vyacheslav Dobrynin. You pity me. бэк .
Translation: Viktor Korolev. What a pity. ориг .
Translation: Орбакайте Кристина. What a pity. бэк .
Translation: Sergei Trofimov. Have pity. бэк .
Translation: Sergei Trofimov. Pity me. бэк .
Translation: Sergei Trofimov. Have pity, have pity on me. бэк .
Translation: Angelika Varum. Pity me. ориг бэк .