Translation: Necro. 12 king pimp commandments.
Translation: Necro. 14 years of rap (non phixion).
Translation: Necro. 24 shots.
Translation: Necro. 5 boros remix (non phixion).
Translation: Necro. 86 measures of game.
Translation: Necro. Agent orange.
Translation: Necro. All hotties eat the jizz.
Translation: Necro. Beautiful music for you to die to.
Translation: Necro. Black helicopters.
Translation: Necro. Bury you with satan.
Translation: Necro. Caught between worlds.
Translation: Necro. Circle of tyrants.
Translation: Necro. Dead body disposal.
Translation: Necro. Death rap.
Translation: Necro. Don't try to ruin it.
Translation: Necro. Empowered.
Translation: Necro. Empty the clip.
Translation: Necro. Evil shit.