Translation: Nat King Cole. Unforgettable. ориг .
Translation: Nat King Cole. Answer me.
Translation: Nat King Cole. Cry me a river.
Translation: Nat King Cole. Making wooppee.
Translation: Nat King Cole. Route 66.
Translation: Nat King Cole. Unfor.
Translation: Nat King Cole. Unforgettable.
Translation: Nat King Cole. Walking my baby.
Translation: Nat King Cole. When I fall in love.
Translation: Night Ranger. Dont Tell Me You Love Me.
Translation: Seger, Bob. Night Moves.
Translation: Bob Seger. Night Moves.
Translation: Andrei Gubin. Night.
Translation: Andrei Gubin. Day and Night.
Translation: Andrew Derzhavin. The one that goes in the Night.
Translation: Asmolov. Night Patrol.
Translation: А-Студио. Night Friend.
Translation: А-Студио. Night Stop.