Translation: Браво. Stylish orange tie.
Translation: Дискотека Авария. Fashionable Dance Aram Zam Zam.
Translation: Nikolay Noskov. Not Fashionable.
Translation: Nikolay Noskov. I'm not trendy.
Translation: Peter Banashko. Fads love.
Translation: Браво. Stylish orange tie 2.
Translation: Браво. Stylish orange tie 3. ориг .
Translation: Браво. Stylish orange tie 4.
Translation: Nikolay Noskov. I'm not trendy. without backing vocals.
Translation: Madonna. Vogue. бэк .
Translation: David Bowie. Fashion.
Translation: Jesus Christ Superstar. What's the buzz. Strange thing mystifying.
Translation: Madonna. Vogue.
Translation: Psy 4 De La Rime. Effect of style, fad.
Translation: Q-Unique. Fashion victims.