Translation: Batio, Michael Angelo. No Boundaries.
Translation: Dope. Nothing For Me Here.
Translation: Dream Theater. You Not Me.
Translation: Guns N Roses. My Michelle.
Translation: Mayer, John. I Dont Trust Myself With Loving You.
Translation: Mayer, John. I Dont Trust Myself With Loving You (2).
Translation: Osbourne, Ozzy. Gets Me Through.
Translation: Osbourne, Ozzy. You Looking At Me.
Translation: Ozzy Osbourne. You Looking At Me.
Translation: Ozzy Osbourne. Gets Me Through.
Translation: Angelika Varum. I remember.
Translation: Ариана. I can not remember words.
Translation: Alexander Ivanov. I will remember.
Translation: Alexander Kireev. The world who gave me thee.
Translation: Alexander Serov. Do you love me.
Translation: Alexey Chumakov. Do not forget me.