Translation: Deep Purple. Ted The Mechanic.
Translation: Mike And The Mechanics. Another Cup Of Coffee.
Translation: Red Hot Chili Peppers. Melancholy Mechanics.
Translation: Tsyganov Wick. Hold on a sailor.
Translation: Tsyganov Wick. Эх , раз, еще раз. бэк .
Translation: Tsyganov Wick. Clusters of mountain ash.
Translation: Tsyganov Wick. Kalina Krasnaya.
Translation: Tsyganov Wick. Kalyna Red 2. бэк .
Translation: Tsyganov Wick. Who needs it. ориг бэк .
Translation: Tsyganov Wick. Love and Death.
Translation: Tsyganov Wick. Париж.
Translation: Tsyganov Wick. Come to my house. ориг бэк .
Translation: Tsyganov Wick. Приказ на Кавказ. ориг бэк .
Translation: Tsyganov Wick. Birds.
Translation: Tsyganov Wick. Russian Vodka.