Translation: Александр Розенбаум. Flying over the snow From the Sky.
Translation: Глюкоза. Snowing.
Translation: Jeanne Aguzarova. And it snows.
Translation: Jeanne Aguzarova. And it snows 2.
Translation: From the Movies. 'll Live Till Monday.
Translation: Aguzarova Jeanne. And it snows.
Translation: Aguzarova Jeanne. And it snows 2.
Translation: Глюкоза. Snowing. ориг бэк .
Translation: From movies. 'We'll Live Till Monday' - Crane.
Translation: Орбакайте Кристина. And outside the rain, then snow.
Translation: Neklyudova Elena. And it snows. бэк .
Translation: Madonna. Into the grove.