Translation: Bon Jovi. Love Is A Social Disease.
Translation: Seahorses. Love Is The Law.
Translation: Anatoly Dneprov. Such is the love.
Translation: Авраам Руссо И Кристина Орбака. Love is no more.
Translation: Funny Guys. Love is Huge.
Translation: Жасмин. Love is not a toy.
Translation: Кристина Орбакайте И Авраам Ру. Love is greater than No 2.
Translation: Love Assumption. It's not true.
Translation: Love Assumption. That's all (F # M).
Translation: Mummy Troll. This is for love.
Translation: Рымбаева Роза. Love has come.
Translation: София Ротару. My Life is My Love.
Translation: Tsyganov. Love-is Death.
Translation: Tsyganov. Where is My Love.
Translation: Ай Олег. This is love. ориг .
Translation: Александрова Марина. Love is not love. ориг бэк .
Translation: Дайнеко Виктория. The film is not about love. бэк .