Translation: Santana, Carlos. Day Of Celebration.
Translation: Boca. Carousal.
Translation: Irina Allegrova. Birthday party.
Translation: Michael Sheleg. Celebration for Two.
Translation: Russian Devishnik. Hen-party.
Translation: Arrows. At a party.
Translation: Uslanov. I paint the night.
Translation: Билан Дмитрий. Festive maple leaves.
Translation: Королёва Наталья. Hen-party. бэк .
Translation: Maria Rasputin. You're tight, you caress. бэк .
Translation: Arrows. At a party. ориг .
Translation: Pink. Get The Party Started. ориг бэк .
Translation: The Jet Set. Time To Party [Poland на Eurovision 2007].
Translation: Saturday, Vyacheslav. Tradition of a feast. бэк .
Translation: Kids. Festive evening [music A. Ermolov, words by A. Ermolov]. ориг .
Translation: Ahmir. Welcome to my party.
Translation: Backstreet Boys. Fight for you right to party.
Translation: Backstreet Boys. Let's have a party.