Translation: Extreme. Mutha Dont Want to Go To School Today.
Translation: Gallagher, Rory. Walk On Hot Coals.
Translation: Kravitz, Lenny. Are You Gonna Go My Way (2).
Translation: Kravitz, Lenny. Are You Gonna Go My Way (3).
Translation: Rory Gallagher. Walk On Hot Coals.
Translation: Alain Sviridov. Oh I will not go home.
Translation: Алиби. Do not let me go.
Translation: Vladimir Kuzmin. Why should you Go outside.
Translation: Valdai. Do not go crazy.
Translation: Valeria. Let me go.
Translation: Добры Молодцы. I'm going to the sea.
Translation: Dzhumanzhi. I'm going to the sea.
Translation: Жасмин. Do not let me go.
Translation: Zemfira. Do not let go.
Translation: Golden Ring. Woe to go (Am).
Translation: Irina Ponarovskaya. So go through life.
Translation: Cola Beldy. We'll go, we rush.