Translation: Blue System. Magic Symphony.
Translation: Blue System. Silent Water.
Translation: Асмолов Владимир. Answering system. ориг бэк .
Translation: Blue System. Black seat of your cadillak.
Translation: Blue System. Deja vu.
Translation: Blue System. Heartbreak hotel.
Translation: Blue System. Heaven and hell.
Translation: Blue System. History.
Translation: Blue System. House of music light.
Translation: Blue System. I'm the pilot of your love.
Translation: Blue System. It's all over.
Translation: Blue System. Jump in my car.
Translation: Blue System. Love is such a lonely sword.
Translation: Blue System. Lucifer.
Translation: Blue System. Magic symphony.
Translation: Blue System. Romeo and juliet.
Translation: Blue System. Ronnie talk to russia.
Translation: Blue System. Silent water.