Translation: Children's Songs. They gave my dog.
Translation: Children's Songs. We put a song.
Translation: Кабриолет. You gave me Fate.
Translation: Сосо Павлиашвили. Somewhere out there in Dali.
Translation: Kids. We put a song.
Translation: Кабриолет. You gave me the fate of. бэк .
Translation: Кабриолет. You gave me the fate of two.
Translation: Garik Krichevsky. Salvador Dali.
Translation: Logging. I thence. ориг .
Translation: Неизвестен. There have given far.
Translation: Dalida. Words, words.
Translation: Dalida. Words, Words 2. back, remix.
Translation: Dalida. I'm So Sick.
Translation: Dalida. I'm sick.
Translation: Dalida. Words words.
Translation: Dalida. Words, words 2.
Translation: Dalida. Body.