Translation: Lynyrd Skynyrd. Sweet Home Albama.
Translation: Angelika Varum. Before dawn.
Translation: Alexander Marshall. White Night.
Translation: Alla Pugacheva. White Snow.
Translation: Basiuk. White Night.
Translation: Brilliant. White snow.
Translation: Владимир Пресняков. White Snow.
Translation: Динамит. White Snow.
Translation: Добры Молодцы. Dawn-Wizard.
Translation: Daiquiri. Before the Dawn.
Translation: Elena Ponurova. White Snow.
Translation: Igor Saruhanov. White Snow is falling.
Translation: Кристина Орбакайте. From dawn till dusk.
Translation: Michael Zvezdinsky. White Snow.
Translation: Code of ethics. White Snow.
Translation: Nikolay Karachentsev. You wake me at dawn.
Translation: Nikolay Noskov. White Night.
Translation: Romances. At the dawn You do not wake her.