Translation: Lyme Vajkule And Tea For Two. Прощай.
Translation: Lyme Vajkule And Tea For Two. Billeting.
Translation: Tea For Two. He did not cease to love.
Translation: Tea For Two. Wish you were my.
Translation: Tea For Two. And you're still Waiting.
Translation: Tea for two. 24 часа. бэк .
Translation: Tea for two. 24 часа 2. squeezing.
Translation: Tea for two. And you're still waiting. бэк .
Translation: Tea for two. Are you still waiting for two. бэк .
Translation: Tea for two. White Night.
Translation: Tea for two. Wish you were mine.
Translation: Tea for two. Birthday. ориг бэк .
Translation: Tea for two. Showers. бэк .
Translation: Tea for two. Я и ты.
Translation: Tea for two. Desired. бэк .
Translation: Tea for two. Desired 2. ориг .
Translation: Tea for two. Tender my. without backing vocals.
Translation: Tea for two. Tender my 2. without backing vocals.