Translation: ALPO. Aggression.
Translation: ALPO. Braves.
Translation: ALPO. Get off me.
Translation: ALPO. Award.
Translation: ALPO. I smell money.
Translation: ALPO. More money.
Translation: ALPO. My tool.
Translation: ALPO. On fire.
Translation: ALPO. Stop trying.
Translation: ALPO. Tx.
Translation: ALPO. Vibrant.
Translation: ALPO. Watch me do it.
Translation: ALPO. Way flyer.
Translation: ALPO. We getting guap.
Translation: ALPO. Well know.
Translation: Cassidy. A.M to the p.M.
Translation: Cassidy. A.M. To p.M..
Translation: Fat Jon. W ypau.