Translation: Ferreri, Ernesto. Blake Songs. Voice. Orchestra (2 flutes (fl.2 doubles piccolo). 2 oboes (ob.2 doubles english horn). 2 clarinets ...
Translation: Ferrante, Andrea. Postlude to a dream. piano solo. Early 20th century.
Translation: F. Liszt. Liebestraum No. 3 from Liebesträume, S.541. Flute \u0026 Piano.
Translation: R. Schumann. Träumerei from Kinderszenen, Op. 15, No. 7. Flute \u0026 Piano.
Translation: In dreams (Ralph Vaughan Williams). Secular. Art song. Plan.
Translation: The Land of Dreams (Huub de Lange). Secular. Partsong. Plan.
Translation: Night and Dreams. by F. Schubert (1797–1828). D.827 (Op. 43, No. 2.). Romantic. for Voice and Piano.
Translation: Kinderscenen - Traümerei. by R. Schumann (1810–1856). The 15 N 7. Romantic. for Piano.