Translation: Trad. English. Greensleeves to a Ground . Flute \u0026 bass.
Translation: Massa's in the cold ground (Stephen Collins Foster). Secular. Canon. a cappella.
Translation: Reber's Ground (Thurlow Weed). Sacred. Shape Notes.
Translation: Tenting on the old camp ground (Walter Kittredge). Secular. Folksong.
Translation: 19. A Division upon a Ground. by J. Banister (c.1624–1679). Baroque. for Violin.
Translation: 5. Faronell's Division on a Ground. by M. Farinel (?–?). Baroque. for Violin.
Translation: 3. Mr. Powlwheel's Division on a Ground. by Mr. Powlwheel (?–?). Baroque. for Violin.
Translation: 1. Select Divisions upon a Ground. by Mr. Reddings (?–?). Baroque. for Violin.
Translation: 23. Johnny Cock thy Beaver: A Scotch Tune to a Ground. Anonymous. Baroque. for Violin.
Translation: 27. Greensleeves to a Ground with Division. Anonymous. Baroque. for Violin.
Translation: 771. The Old Bog Ground .