Translation: As pants the hart for cooling streams (John Broderip). Sacred. Hymn. 86. 86 (CM). a cappella.
Translation: Babylon streams (Psalm 51) (Thomas Campion). Sacred. Hymn. a cappella.
Translation: Mountain streams (Peter Bird). Secular. Partsongs. Plan.
Translation: 147. The Streams Of Kilnaspig.
Translation: G. Bizet. Streak from Carmen. Flute Solo.
Translation: Between two gentle streams (Mateo Romero). Secular. Carols. a cappella.
Translation: If lovely stream (John Ghizzole). Secular. Madrigal. Basso continuo.
Translation: The stream of time (Friedrich Silcher). Secular. Song. Plan.
Translation: Wall Street Rag. by S. Joplin (1868–1917). Jazz. for Piano.
Translation: Clear Stream. by J. F. F. Burgmüller (1806–1874). The 100. Romantic. for Piano.
Translation: La Traviata - N4 Strete introduction. by G. Verdi (1813–1901). Romantic. for Piano.
Translation: franz schubert. only + plan. on stream in spring.