Translation: A. Apukhtin, "How Russia begins," for soloists, mixed chorus and piano (full score, the party)..
Translation: Verdi, drinking song from the I-th of the opera "La Traviata" (for soloists, chorus and piano, ital.).
Translation: А. Виральдини, Ария Руфи с хором ("Ci sara'...") из оперы-оратории "Ликующая Руфь, клавир МP3-иллюстрация.
Translation: M. Marutaev, Subject's eye view from the soundtrack for "Merry Magic" (arranged for piano four hands Creative workshop Vladimir Gu ...
Translation: M. Marutaev, Polka from the soundtrack to "Merry Magic" (arranged for piano four hands Creative workshop Vladimir Gusev www.VguseV ...
Translation: M. Marutaev, Forgotten Waltz from soundtrack to "The Horned bastion".
Translation: M. Tariverdiyev, two songs from the soundtrack to the television movie "Love" (piano).:.
Translation: M. Tariverdiyev, G. Pozhenyana words, "Monologues-recitatives" from the soundtrack for the TV movie "Farewell".:.
Translation: M. Tariverdiyev, words by A. Ashkenazi, "Vocal novel" from the soundtrack to the television movie "The Ten times the love.":.
Translation: E. Lloyd Webber, the duo Christina and the Phantom "The Phantom of the Opera" from the musical "The Phantom of the Opera" ("Phanto ...
Translation: E. Lloyd-Webber, "Angel of Music" from the musical "The Phantom of the Opera" ("Phantom of the Opera"), for voice and piano + guit ...
Translation: E.-L. Webber, the musical Faces of Love "(" Aspects of love "), piano..
Translation: M. Segal, Arietta (main theme) from the soundtrack to the movie "Phantom of the Opera" (1989) (full score, piano, instrumentals).. ...