Translation: Oh what hath overwrought my all amazed thought (John Dowland). Secular. Lute song. Lute.
Translation: Oh! Boatman, Haste!. by D. D. Emmett (1815–1904). Song. for Mixed Voices and Piano.
Translation: Oh, we complain to God (Willem Jan Hanegraaf). Sacred. Sacred song. a cappella.
Translation: Oh dear Lord Jesus Christ, 26 German folk songs, no. 6 (Johannes Brahms). Sacred. Tracks. a cappella.
Translation: Oh woe of Leiden (Hans Leo Hassler). Secular. Song. a cappella.
Translation: O God which art most merciful (William Byrd). Sacred. Sacred song. a cappella.
Translation: O Jesus Christe (No. 3 from 'Spiritual Songs') (August Söderman). Sacred. Motet.
Translation: O Lord, how long wilt thou forget (William Byrd). Sacred. Sacred song. a cappella.
Translation: O Lord, who in thy sacred tent (William Byrd). Sacred. Sacred song. a cappella.
Translation: O Night (Jean-Philippe Rameau). Secular. Song. a cappella.
Translation: O death, how bitter are you (Johannes Brahms). Sacred. Song. Plan.
Translation: O Most Holy (Traditional). Sacred. Sacred song. a cappella.
Translation: You think, oh beautiful sun (Louis XIII). Secular music. Song. Keyboard.