Translation: Adon Olam (Salamone Rossi). Sacred. Motet. a cappella. a cappella.
Translation: Al Naharot Bavel (Salamone Rossi). Sacred. a cappella.
Translation: Barechu (Salamone Rossi). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: Ein Keloheinu (Salamone Rossi). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: Elohim Hashivenu (Salamone Rossi). Sacred.
Translation: Hashkivenu - make us lie down (Salamone Rossi). Sacred.
Translation: Keter (Salamone Rossi). Sacred.
Translation: Lamnatseach al hagitit - For the chief musician on the gitit (Salamone Rossi). Sacred.
Translation: Lemi echpots - Wedding ode (Salamone Rossi). Sacred.
Translation: Yitgadal veyitkadash - full kadish (Salamone Rossi). Sacred.
Translation: 921. The Red-Haired Boy .
Translation: red. rossisinf4.