Translation: B C P Responses (Denis Mason). Sacred. Preces and Responses. a cappella.
Translation: BCP Responses (for Penwith Deanery Choir) (Denis Mason). Sacred. Preces and Responses. a cappella.
Translation: The Lord's Prayer (Robert Stone). Sacred. Preces and Responses. a cappella.
Translation: Our Father (Anonymous). Sacred. Preces and Responses. a cappella.
Translation: Preces and Responses (Richard Ayleward). Sacred. Preces and Responses. a cappella.
Translation: Preces and Responses (William Smith of Durham). Sacred. Preces and Responses. a cappella.
Translation: Preces and Responses (for Dundee) (Denis Mason). Sacred. Preces and Responses. a cappella.
Translation: Preces and Responses (for Oakville Singers) (Denis Mason). Sacred. Preces and Responses. a cappella.
Translation: Vestry Dismissal (Denis Mason). Sacred. Preces and Responses. a cappella.
Translation: Responsum accepit Simeon (William Byrd). Sacred. Motet.
Translation: Response of Neptune (John Ghizzole). Secular. Madrigal. Basso continuo.
Translation: gounod. sololied. ave maria. bach-gou.