Translation: There is nothing Schön'res (Burkhart M. Schürmann). Secular. Folksong. a cappella.
Translation: R. Lowry. Nothing but the Blood . Flute Solo.
Translation: Arise, shine, for thy light is come (George J. Elvey). Sacred. Anthem. Keyboard.
Translation: Is it nothing to you (Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley). Sacred. Anthem. a cappella.
Translation: Missa super Adieu mes amours (Adam Reiner). Sacred. Mass. a cappella.
Translation: My soul has nought but fire and ice (Fabio Fresi). Secular. Partsongs. a cappella.
Translation: Nothing but the blood of Jesus (Robert Lowry). Sacred. Hymn. a cappella.
Translation: Rest (John Stainer). tune alone:. Sacred. Hymns. Keyboard.
Translation: If he is true (Orazio Vecchi). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella. Lute.
Translation: Say not the struggle nought availeth (Samuel Sebastian Wesley). Sacred. Hymn. 98. 98. a cappella. Keyboard.
Translation: Sorrow, sorrow, stay, lend true repentant tears (John Dowland). Secular. Lute song. Lute.
Translation: So it is true that in winter (Antonio Lotti). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: Tell me true Love where shall I seek thy being (John Dowland). Secular. Lute song. Lute.
Translation: There be none of beauty's daughters (Charles Hubert Hastings Parry). Secular. Art song. Plan.