Translation: Trad. Irish. Rakes of Mallow . Flute Solo.
Translation: 108. The Rakes of Kildare .
Translation: 149. The Rakes of Clonmel .
Translation: 416. The Rakes Of Westmeath .
Translation: 454. The Rakes Of Sollohod .
Translation: Jesu hail! O God most holy (John Stainer). Sacred. Hymns. 88. 88. 87. 86. Keyboard.
Translation: Wake O my soul, and hail the morn (A. H. Palmer). Sacred. Anthems. a cappella.
Translation: Christmas traditional. Jesu, hail! O God most holy.
Translation: 170. The Munster Rake.
Translation: 266. The Rambling Rake.
Translation: 303. The Ranting Rake .
Translation: 959. The Rambling Rake .