Translation: Grieg, Edvard. 25 Norwegian Folk Songs and Dances, Op.17. Arrangements and Transcriptions. 1 floor. Romantic.
Translation: A beauteous fair has stole my heart (John Wall Callcott). Secular. Partsong. a cappella. piano accompaniment.
Translation: My true love hath my heart (Charles Hubert Hastings Parry). Secular. Art song. Plan.
Translation: All My Heart This Night Rejoices. by C. E. Horsley (1822–1876). Hymn. for Voice (SATB) and Organ or Piano.
Translation: Gnawing at my heart I feel a poison, Op. 65, no. 9 (Johannes Brahms). Secular. Tracks. Plan.
Translation: From bottom of my heart (Chorale 1). by J. S. Bach (1685–1750). BWV 269. Baroque. for Harpsichord, Piano.