Translation: M. Tariverdiyev, piano-organ collection "Mood.":.
Translation: M. Tariverdiyev, "Waiting" (monoopera), piano..
Translation: M. Tariverdiyev, "A Farewell to Arms" (music for the play of the same name on poems by E. Hemingway for soloists and vocal and cho ...
Translation: M. Tariverdiyev, "Watercolours", five songs on poems by medieval Japanese poets, piano.:.
Translation: M. Tariverdiyev, vocal cycle on verses by L. Martynova, piano.:.
Translation: M. Tariverdiyev, vocal cycle on verses by B. Akhmadulina, piano.:.
Translation: M. Tariverdiyev, vocal cycle on verses by M. Svetlov, piano..
Translation: M. Tariverdiev, Three Romances of the song cycle on poems by S. Kirsanov, piano..
Translation: M. Tariverdiev, Two Romances on poems by Marina Tsvetaeva, piano..
Translation: M. Tariverdiyev, two songs from the soundtrack to the television movie "Love" (piano).:.
Translation: M. Tariverdiyev, G. Pozhenyana words, "Monologues-recitatives" from the soundtrack for the TV movie "Farewell".:.