Translation: Beata Dei Genitrix (from 'Matins of Christmas') (José Maurício Nunes Garcia). Sacred. Motet. Orchestra.
Translation: Hodie nobis coelo pax (from 'Matinas do Natal') (José Maurício Nunes Garcia). Sacred. Motet. Orchestra.
Translation: Hodie nobis coelorum (from 'Matinas do Natal') (José Maurício Nunes Garcia). Sacred. Motet. Orchestra.
Translation: Magnum Mysterium (from 'Matins of Christmas') (José Maurício Nunes Garcia). Sacred. Motet. Orchestra.
Translation: Who vidistis pastors (from 'Matins of Christmas') (José Maurício Nunes Garcia). Sacred. Motet. Orchestra.
Translation: A Christmas Hymn (Huub de Lange). (Orchestral version). Sacred. Carol.
Translation: Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248 (Johann Sebastian Bach). Sacred. Oratory. Orchestra.