Translation: Trad. Irish. Haste to the Wedding . Flute Solo.
Translation: F. Mendelssohn. Wedding March from A Midsummer Night's Dream, Op. 61. Flute duet.
Translation: Brightly dawns our wedding day (Mikado) (Arthur Sullivan). Secular. Opera. Keyboard.
Translation: The harmony in the marriage (Franz Joseph Haydn). Secular. Partsongs. a cappella.
Translation: Lemi echpots - Wedding ode (Salamone Rossi). Sacred.
Translation: Matrimony (John Stainer). Sacred. Hymns. 76. 76. Keyboard.
Translation: Wedding-day at Troldhaugen. by E. Grieg (1843–1907). The 65. Romantic. for Piano.
Translation: 109. The Tailor's Wedding .
Translation: 597. The Wedding .
Translation: 677. The Second Wedding .
Translation: 854. Coming From The Wedding .
Translation: 996. The Wedding Of Ballyporeen .
Translation: grieg. klavierstuecke. lyrical pieces. wedding.
Translation: grieg. klavierstuecke. lyrical pieces. wedding day. troldhau.