Translation: Bach, Johann Sebastian. 3 Choral Preludes for Advent and Christmas, WoBWV. Organ. Baroque.
Translation: And I saw another angel, Op. 37, No. 1 (Charles Villiers Stanford). Sacred. Anthems. Organ.
Translation: Praise our Lord all ye Gentiles (William Byrd). Sacred. Anthem. a cappella.
Translation: Because of you I have another face (Pierre Sandrin). Secular. Song. a cappella.
Translation: Now come, Saviour of the Gentiles. by J. S. Bach (1685–1750). 659. Baroque. for Organ.
Translation: Now come, Saviour of the Gentiles. by J. S. Bach (1685–1750). BWV 660. Baroque. for Organ.
Translation: Now come, Saviour of the Gentiles. by J. S. Bach (1685–1750). BWV 661. Baroque. for Organ.
Translation: 437. Another Jig Will Do .
Translation: 746. Give Us Another .
Translation: Bunting Manfred (* 1939). Chamber Music. Other perpetuum.
Translation: beethoven. sololied. the song from the rest.
Translation: knuth juergen. canon. canon-let each other.
Translation: knuth juergen. no fire no coal.