Translation: Negra Sombra (Juan Montes Capón). Secular. Choir. a cappella.
Translation: Harrington, Jeffrey Michael. Adagio dark. 2 violins. purple. cello. Modern.
Translation: Dyson, Peter. Shadows. 8 cellos. Modern.
Translation: A Cradle Song ('Sweet dreams, form a shade') (Douglas Brooks-Davies). Sacred. Carol. Organ.
Translation: A dark shaft is love, Op. 52, no. 16 (Johannes Brahms). Secular. Tracks.
Translation: In the shadow of a lowbush (Josquin des Prez). Secular. Song. a cappella.
Translation: Forgive blessed shade (John Wall Callcott). Sacred. Partsong. a cappella. Piano accompaniment.
Translation: Go to dark Gethsemane (T. Tertius Noble). Sacred. Anthem. a cappella.
Translation: In this trembling shadow (John Dowland). Secular. Lute song. Lute.
Translation: Macclesfield (My life's a shade) (William Knapp). Sacred. Hymn.
Translation: My days are gone like a shadow (John Blow). Sacred. Anthems. a cappella.
Translation: The nuict froide et sombre (Orlando di Lasso). Secular. Song. a cappella.
Translation: O dark days (Carlo Gesualdo). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: The shadow of the Rock (George W. Walter). Sacred. Hymn. a cappella.
Translation: A Shepherd in a shade his plaining made (John Dowland). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: To the shady woods (Thomas Tomkins). Secular. Madrigal. a cappella.