Translation: When Love today that prevents combite (Francisco Valls). Sacred. Carols. Basso continuo.
Translation: That larger force (Anonymous). Secular. Carols. a cappella.
Translation: Away upon the mountain top (Da droben am Berge) (Traditional). Sacred. Carols. a cappella.
Translation: Ay de la pena (Francisco Valls). Sacred. Carols. Basso continuo.
Translation: Balulalow (Douglas Walczak). Sacred. Carols. a cappella.
Translation: Behold, I bring you good tidings (John Goss). Sacred. Carols. Keyboard.
Translation: Bells upon Bells (Campana sobre campana) (Traditional). Sacred. Carols. a cappella.
Translation: Cavalry in France ides (Anonymous). Secular. Carols. a cappella.
Translation: Cold December's Winds Were Stilled (El Desembre Congelat) (Douglas Brooks-Davies). Sacred. Carols. Organ.
Translation: Come Hither, Ye Faithful (Joseph Barnby). Sacred. Carols. a cappella.
Translation: Come, ye lofty (George J. Elvey). Sacred. Carols. a cappella.
Translation: Cut the ropes, cut the candles (Francisco Valls). Sacred. Carols. Basso continuo.
Translation: A Cradle Hymn (Douglas Brooks-Davies). Sacred. Carols. Organ.
Translation: Dear Mary journeys through the thorn (Mary through a thorny forest) decreased (Traditional). Sacred. Carols. a cappella.
Translation: Hail (Francisco Valls). Sacred. Carols. Basso continuo.
Translation: Between two gentle streams (Mateo Romero). Secular. Carols. a cappella.
Translation: It's so violent havoc (Francisco Valls). Secular. Carols. Basso continuo.
Translation: Fit porta Christi pervia (Traditional). Sacred. Carols. a cappella.