Translation: Amaryllis beautiful to God (John Ghizzole). Secular. Air. Basso continuo.
Translation: Ver'huom Christ and God (John Rockets). Sacred. Madrigal. a cappella.
Translation: God so loved the world (John Goss). Sacred. Anthem. a cappella.
Translation: God so loved the world (John Stainer). Sacred. Anthem. a cappella.
Translation: Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty (John Bacchus Dykes). Sacred. Hymn. a cappella. Keyboard.
Translation: I have set God alway before me (John Goldwin). Sacred. Anthem. a cappella.
Translation: Praise God (John little soul). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: The Lord, the only God, is great (John Broderip). Sacred. Hymn. 86. 86 (CM). a cappella.
Translation: O God my King (John Amner). Sacred. Anthem. a cappella.
Translation: O God of hosts, the mighty Lord (John Broderip). Sacred. Hymn. 86. 86 (CM). a cappella.
Translation: O praise God in his holiness (John Clarke-Whitfeld). Sacred. Anthem. Organ.
Translation: So good livestock farming (Juan del Encina). Secular. Carol. a cappella.
Translation: John Cross. Exaudi God.