Translation: Amen, God be praised Vat'r and son (Joachim Burgk a). Sacred. Choir. a cappella.
Translation: CPDL Cantata (Joachim Kelecom). Secular. Cantata. Basso continuo.
Translation: Widespread east (Joachim Kelecom). Sacred. Motet. a cappella.
Translation: You dear Lord Jesus Christ (Joachim Burgk a). Sacred. Choir. a cappella.
Translation: Magnificat (Joachim Kelecom). Sacred. Evening Canticles. Keyboard.
Translation: Miss Alauda (Joachim Kelecom). Sacred. Mass. Plan.
Translation: O filii et filiae (Joachim Kelecom). Sacred. Hymn. a cappella.
Translation: O sacrum convivium (Joachim Kelecom). Sacred. Motet. Keyboard.
Translation: Viderunt eam (Joachim Kelecom). Sacred. Antiphon. a cappella.
Translation: Winter Carol (Joseph Joachim Raff). Sacred. Carols. a cappella.